Pupil Premium Grant

What is Pupil Premium?

Pupil Premium is funding which is additional to main school funding.  It was introduced in April 2011 and is allocated to schools to work with pupils who have been registered for free school meals at any point in the last six years. The government believes this is the best way to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals (FSM) and their peers by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most.

Pupil Premium Allocation

At Pye Bank all staff and the Local School Board recognise that some pupils are disadvantaged economically and we are committed to meeting their pastoral, social and academic needs within the school environment. Sometimes, disadvantaged pupils can find it more challenging to reach milestones and this is recognised by the Government, who now give additional funding to schools to support them in meeting the additional needs identified. We are completely committed to ‘Narrowing the Gap’ between vulnerable pupils and the national expectation or other pupils performing at a higher level. The pupil premium forms a vital part of that process. 

This extra funding will enable us to ensure that none of our pupils are excluded from activities within the school and are able to make the same progress regardless of any economic hardship they may be experiencing, either temporarily or over a longer period. It will enable us to provide an inspiring and high quality curriculum and learning experience for all children regardless of background it supports us to effectively remove any barriers to learning, which may include low entry points into school life.


At Pye Bank we aim for all pupils to achieve their full potential regardless of educational and socio-economic barriers. Through increased intentionality and precision, provision for our pupil premium (PP) pupils, particularly but not exclusively, those who are identified as the lowest 20% will be highly effective in meeting learning learning needs. As a school we recognise that many Pupil Premium pupils are able to reach the greater depth standard across the curriculum.

We believe that in order for our children to meet their potential the following must be true:

  • All children access highly effectively quality first teaching, with all approaches taken reviewed regularly and developed based on research.
  • All children are supported to fully access a high quality curriculum, designed around the needs of individuals and the school community and a curriculum which is research informed and designed with memory in mind.
  • Children are fully supported to make excellent progress in reading and no children suffers ‘reading failure’: early reading is central to the work of the school.
  • Barriers to learning for pupil premium children must be precisely identified, particularly when needs are more complex.
  • The needs of each individual are fully understood by leaders and teachers.
  • Children are precisely targeted for high quality intervention.

Provision will be made through:

  • Facilitating pupils’ access to education
  • Facilitating pupils’ access to the curriculum
  • Alternative support and intervention within the school

We recognise that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged have been registered or have qualified for Free School Meals. We reserve the right to allocate the Pupil Premium funding to support any student or groups of students the school has legitimately identified as being socially disadvantaged.

Provision will not be aimed directly at pupils with Special Educational Needs, although these children may benefit from the provision. Some of the work funded through Pupil Premium will not be exclusive in its approach and may well have benefits for other children around them but the work will remain targeted intervention and support and funding will not be used in a general way to fund the work of the school. A number of our children have a range of barriers and needs.

The intended outcomes for all pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium funding are as follows:

  • Their attainment would be in line with their peers
  • Their achievement would be in line with / in excess of their personalised targets and predictions
  • Their achievement and attainment would be supported by their parents’/carers’ engagement
  • Their engagement in and enjoyment of learning inside school would be promoted and facilitated
  • Their engagement in and enjoyment of learning outside school would be promoted and facilitated
  • Their attendance at school will be in line with the national expectation.
  • Their progress will be accelerated so that if there is a gap between their achievement and the national expectation that this is narrowed;

 Reporting Pupil Premium

It is the responsibility of the school to explain pupil premium expenditure to parents/carers in the form of an annual statement. There is a set format for the report of pupil premium, issued by the DFE. Pye Bank CE Primary School will publish details of a report online annually. This report aims to detail information on how Pupil Premium will be and then has been used within school. This report will detail the attainment and progress of pupils who are covered by the premium and the intervention that has been supported by the additional funding. Reports will also detail the progress made towards narrowing the gap and this will be supported by reported data and academic progress.

Read how the pupil premium funding is being used in 2024- 25

Read how the pupil premium funding was used in 2023-24

Read how the pupil premium funding was used in 2022-23

Read how the pupil premium funding was used in 2021-22

Read how the pupil premium funding was used in 2020-21