At Pye Bank we have built our RE curriculum around the Sheffield Agreed Syllabus and Understanding Christianity. Religious Education is a legal entitlement for every pupil. Its place in our school curriculum acknowledges the important role which beliefs and values play in people’s lives and that religious beliefs and practices are as important in the lives of as many people worldwide today as they have been throughout history. RE offers pupils an opportunity to develop a better understanding of themselves, the people around them and the world in which they live.
Our school places great value on faith and all members of the school community, regardless of their faith, are developing a deep respect and interest in world faiths and the beliefs of all within and beyond our community. This helps us all to develop a deeper understanding of the world around us and our RE curriculum helps us develop children's ability to reflect and develop opinions and views, which they share in a respectful and thoughtful way.
At Pye Bank we have a love of RE as a subject and we are developing real strengths within the Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural development of our children.
For our full RE intent document please see below
Our RE Curriculum has been created in line with the Sheffield Agreed Syllabus