Our Christian Vision
Our Christian Vision
'Learning Together, Learning to be Together, Sharing God's Love'
‘We love, because God first loved us.’ 1 John 4:19
Our vision is to embody the Christian value of ‘love’, putting the uniqueness and diversity of our children, our staff, our families and our community at the heart of all we do. This is driven by our belief in the value of every individual as an equal, uniquely made in the image of God and loved by him.
With a focus on excellence and equality, we strive for all children to flourish academically and personally through ‘learning together’ and ‘learning to be together’, addressing all disadvantage and enabling them to make a positive contribution to each other, the life of the school and the wider world, now and in the future.
Our Values
The children are supported to ‘learn together’ and ‘learn to be together’ through the teaching and promotion of our values of ‘love’, ‘ambition’, ‘kindness’, ‘equality’ and ‘respect’. In this sense, our values are the means in which our vision is expressed in everyday school life and provide a shared language for the outworking of our vision.
To do this we aim to do the following:
We share the Church of England’s core desire for educating for wisdom, knowledge and skills, and we use the word ‘Ambition’ to represent this. We therefore:
Aim for academic excellence for all children, ensuring that we have the highest expectation of what they can achieve: recognising the full potential of every child in our care and breaking down all barriers.
Inspire and motivate our children, offering a challenging curriculum that is relevant, designed with memory in mind and reflects the values and the diversity of our community.
God shows us everlasting love and kindness: “I have loved you with an everlasting love. I have drawn you with loving kindness” (Jeremiah 31:3). We are therefore inspired to:
Ensure that school is a happy and safe place for children every day.
Nurture and value every member of the school community, as a unique individual.
Promote the wellbeing of all, including our staff, so they can be at their best for the children.
Christian belief is built on value and dignity of every human being as created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). We therefore:
Work in true partnership with all our parents, carers, our children and our community.
Respect and nurture individual talents by providing opportunities that broaden experiences within and beyond the classroom.
The Bible teaches that we are called to seek justice and equity for all (Micah 6:8). We therefore:
Strive at all times to meet the needs of every individual child, rigorously addressing any inequality or disadvantage.
Actively support our children to understand diversity and equality in an age appropriate way.
Tackle discrimination in all its forms.