Collective Worship
Collective Worship is a special time at Pye Bank
Our collective worship strengthens the community ethos of our school. It is planned to enable all pupils of any religion or none to take part as appropriate. The aim of our collective worship is to:
Make our values explicit and develop pupils’ thinking so they are able to explore their own beliefs and motivations
Promote respect for the beliefs, practices & values of others within the school & the community & an opportunity for pupils to explore & evaluate their own beliefs, whether religious or not, in relation to those of others.
Help pupils develop their own spirituality and foster sensitivity to the beliefs, practices and values of others
Build a sense of community so pupils consider their place in the community and what it means to be a citizen
Develop a sense of belonging within every child, so all understand their place in our school.
Help pupils know and celebrate who they are and who they might become
Mark occasions of celebration and commemoration
Provide quiet time for reflection upon the fundamental questions of existence
Encourage hope, aspiration, awe, wonder & develop self-understanding, empathy, compassion and wisdom
Our Collective Worship is open to all children and we encourage all families to allow their children to join in each day. Parents do have the right to ask that their children be withdrawn from some Collective Worship. In such rare cases we do ask the parents to come into school and talk through any concerns with the Headteacher.